"Our aim is to amaze and to fascinate. To make forget and to make remember. Audiences are enchanted and hearts are opened with a special mixture of the performing arts, fire, clowning and music."

Welcome to Teatro Circo Kran!
Since 1994 we travel as modern 'troubadours' from city to city and from country to country, dragging along the majestic crane (kran) that serves as the epicentre of all our spectacles: holding up nets to climb in or swaying our acrobats high above the ground.

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KRAN is a very mixed group of fourteens artists, the nationalities range from German, Swiss, Dutch to Spanish. A colourful collection of special people with special qualities and with a great creative drive to make beautiful performances. Besides our own spectales we also enlighten numerous events with clowns, crazy acrobatics, trapeze artists, comic personages and our circus band.

Click to enlarge

How others see us:

"KRAN is circus theatre with music, charm, power, happiness and sadness, with an ever tasteable sauce of melancholy so typical for the special art of travelling artists. No glamour and glitter and special effects, but the magical and musical, the loving and the human measure. 'How' conquers over 'what' and so every handstand, every figure, every word becomes a small sensation that the public greets with applause. The artistic quality of KRAN is joined by the wonderful and funny-sad music of 'Os Jarbanzos'. All the actors seemed to have stepped out of a Fellini film and really, since La Strada I didn't see human emotion in this form. For one moment the eyes of the grown ups saw the world in an amazed gaze that normally is only the privilege of kids."

(Review Kulturhof Feste, Wunsdorf Germany)

Eva und Peter Panero
CH-5078 Effingen

Martin Kool - Website design
Ginette Lavell - Text
Christine Zenz - Photographs

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Deze site is mede mogelijk gemaakt door Stichting De Digitale Stad


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